Biofield Tuning is a vibrational sound therapy method that utilizes tuning forks to both diagnostically and therapeutically locate and correct distortions in the body’s energy field or biofield.

What is Biofield Tuning?

The terrain of the biofield appears to contain a compartmentalized record of an individual’s life history, with different areas of the field storing information related to different emotions, relationships and time periods. Depending on where the area of noise falls in the biofield, I am able to determine at what age a particular trauma or unresolved situation occurred and the energy of the time.

Places that store history of trauma are generally charged and stuck. You can think of this like a knot a muscle, but located in your energetic field. Just as lithotripsy used sounds waves to break up kidney and gall stones, the sound produced by the forks break up energy knots and facilitates circulation of the subtle energy in the field, as well as, the body. some pockets contain very non-beneficial frequency compositions, or ‘pathological oscillations’, and may be related to unprocessed trauma from an earlier time. Over time, these areas of ‘scrambled information’ can create a breakdown of the physical body.

The sum total of receiving a Biofield Tuning treatment is that our energies become centered, balanced and integrated.

The nervous system resets in a more relaxed place, resulting in immediate and sometimes profound relief from pain, tension and anxiety. In addition, one is left with an awareness of the workings of one’s energetic body, which can make it easier to recognize and overcome self defeating thinking and behavior.

The Human Biofield

  • Stored History

    The Biofield is about 5-6 feet off the body. Like rings of a tree, we are able to locate areas of dissonance or stuck energy in the field. Tuning forks offer a coherent frequency to which the body can attune itself. It offers a simple and non-evasive way to get back “in tune.”

  • Sound is Powerful for the Human Body

    The world is alive with sound and sound has powerful effects on the body, mind and spirit. The Center for Disease Control estimates that 85% of all diseases are caused by emotional stress.

  • Biofield Anatomy Map

    The sides of each chakra are like file drawers containing records of a specific emotion or state of mind. We energize different parts of the bioplasmic body depending on what we think, feel, and experience. When we routinely spend a lot of time in a particular state of mind, we create an imbalance in the field that can lead to a breakdown of order, structure, and function in that region.