What is MediCupping?

MediCupping therapy utilizes a machine that uses glass or plastic cups to create suction on the body's surface. What makes this therapy unique is the MediCupping machine's ability to control the vacuum and the release of tissue.

When tissues become "stuck," they hinder optimal functioning. This can occur due to various factors such as dehydration, chronic inflammation, fibrous tissue, repetitive motions from work or sports environments, deep scars, or fascia that has retained memory from an injury. The MediCupping modality is comfortable and effective, working quickly to alleviate these issues.

Unlike other bodywork techniques that compress the body system, MediCupping produces a lifting and separating effect on tissue layers. This creates a vacuum that promotes water absorption and renewed blood flow to dehydrated and undernourished tissues, which is crucial during treatments.

Moreover, lifting the tissue enables access to the fascia, the body's interconnected web, in a three-dimensional manner. This provides access to long-term holding patterns that have solidified into the body over time, which adds an extra dimension to this technique.

What a household vacuum does for carpets- cupping can do the same for the body

MediCupping is a modern adaptation of an ancient healing technique that has been used for centuries. In the past, various tools such as animal horns, bamboo, or clay were used to create a suction effect and remove toxins from the body. Cupping has been used by doctors in America since the 1700s, highlighting its long-standing history and efficacy.

This gentle therapy restores the fluidity of stuck tissues, function, and provides a more balanced body. Unlike traditional cupping, MediCupping involves a continuous, rhythmic motion or placement in a particular area for a brief duration. With a pumping motion, the cup becomes like a third hand that softens the tissues, resulting in a more soothing experience and a profound sense of well-being.