
  • “I felt as if Karla was listening to my muscles and then in this listening was able to unravel them. She wasn’t forcing anything, but rather she was coaxing them back to where they should be, to how they were meant to be.”

  • “I have had years of utilizing different styles of massages, but when I came to Karla, who utilized Myofascial Release, I was sold! I felt cheated when I compared my experience with other styles of massage. I felt automatic muscle relief after one session. The best part is with each session, I felt progressively better with extended relief.”

  • Karla has been my massage therapist for several years. Being an experienced receiver of massages for more than 20 years, I can say with total confidence that Karla is among the best there is. She listens with compassion and directs her work accordingly. She is respectful, has a terrific sense of humor and is the consummate professional. One of Karla’s most admirable traits is her desire to continue learning. Over the years she has acquired new knowledge, skills and techniques, which she applies during our sessions. Karla knows how to treat the whole body to alleviate pain and tension in targeted areas. She is a lifelong learner and an empathic healer.

  • “Karla is committed and passionate about the work she provides. She has dedicated herself to years of ongoing education. She is all about the body, mind and spirit connection. I have had the privilege to experience that knowledge first hand. Suffering from chronic back pian, I had been to several doctors and chiropractors through the years. Frustrated, I started to believe that I would have to live with the pain. Karla took a different approach and really explained the benefits of Myofascial Release. It made perfect sense to me. How can I expect my body to align when the fascia is so tight that it pulls me out of alignment over and over again? Karla truly has a gift. She is able to listen to my body and find the true source of that particular trouble. Karla is also knowledgeable, dedicated, kind and generous.”

  • “Since I have been going to Karla, my life and well-being have truly changed. I could never thank her enough for being a part of my journey to healing. Prior to starting this work, I was constantly in pain with frequent tension headaches and very little mobility in my body.

    Karla has helped me go from a state of chaos in my body to a place that is more grounded and to an area of understanding. I have so much more awareness of what is going on in my body and how I am impacted by the environment around me. I feel like I am now in a place that I can take on things that come my way rather than being overcome by anxiety and my energy being completely drained by others.

    I know this is a lifelong journey, but I am so grateful for where I am today and how Karla and the work she does have truly impacted me. By going to her I have entered into a space of awareness/understanding. Even just having days where I'm not in terrible pain is a HUGE improvement for me. I would HIGHLY recommend Karla! Prior to going to Q body works, nothing I tried made such a huge improvement in my life. She is amazing at what she does and truly passionate about helping others!”

  • “Karla’s attention to detail and ability to connect with her clients is what sets her apart from any other massage therapist I’ve ever used. I started seeing her in the fall of 2012 and at the time I was suffering from severe pain in my neck, shoulder blade and chest area due to an injury that incurred in the gym many months before. I suffered from loss of range of movement, radiating pain, numbness, tingling and headaches. Within 4 appointments, I was moving better, experienced an extreme shift in the amount of pain I was experiencing for the better and was finally back in the gym lifting through a more fluid range of motion. Her attention to detail and ability to connect with her clients is what sets her apart from any other massage therapist I’ve ever used. She is constantly seeking personal betterment and spiritual growth.”

  • “I have had the opportunity to have a couple of sessions with Karla. I find these sessions to be truly beneficial to my life in all areas. I have spent many years looking for healers who specialize in women's health specifically my own challenges with endometriosis. I am so very blessed to have been referred to Karla. My body is beginning to truly understand the healing process and it is learning to unravel and move into a direction of healing. I look forward to diving in deeper to continue my healing process.”

  • As a 21-year-old, I never realized how the tension and alignment of my body was truly affecting my life. I suffered from a knee injury due to riding bmx for 9 years. I also inherited endometriosis from my mum. I have high arches and a test for high heel shoes. And to top if off, I am a notorious stomach sleeper. In 2014, I decided this was going to be MY feel-good year. I was going to focus on taking better care of myself and doing things that add riches to my life. I decided to start with how I felt in my body. My first session of MFR (myofascial release) was life-changing! It wasn’t a typical massage where the therapist oils your skin and finds some of your aches and knots. This was something much more. It was healing for my soul. Energy revival. Before the session, Karla asked me to stand where my body felt comfortable. She looked at the positioning of my body and immediately had a plan for my bodywork. Instead of treating symptoms of problems, she focused on what was causing discomfort in my body. After 5 just sessions, it was truly remarkable the difference I felt in my body. My alignment has improved. my knees don’t get stiff and inhibit mobility. Cramps during my menstruation are minimal to none. I also don’t wake up with lower back pain. It is truly amazing the difference that Karla Quello has made in my body.