What is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial Release (MFR) is a highly effective modality that treats the fascial system or what is often called connective tissue. The fascial system is like a spider web that is one continuous structure that exists head to toe without interruption. By engaging with the soft tissue of the body without oil or lotion and providing sustained pressure into fascial restrictions the body will restore motion and eliminate pain.

Myofascial Release is a whole-body approach designed to discover and rectify the fascial restrictions that may have caused the effect or symptoms. Addressing the cause- the unresolved myofascial restriction - is what is needed to truly solve the problem.

To provide you with an understanding of this type of bodywork, it involves treating the body as a puzzle with unique pieces. Instead of a standardized approach, as a therapist, I may focus on addressing tension patterns in your shoulder until they soften or release, followed by addressing fascial pulls in your leg. This approach customizes the treatment to each individual's body.

Accessing fascia is a key to true healthcare!

The John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach takes a multidimensional approach to working with fascia, or the connective tissue of the body for lasting pain and emotional relief.

  • Structural Myofascial Release

    Provides sustained pressure, often for 5 minutes or more to relieve the body of tensional patterns and stuck tissues.

  • Myofascial Unwinding

    The body is an innate intelligent biological system. This treatment provides space to allow for the body to naturally unwind and release three dimensionally.

  • Myofascial Rebounding

    Our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water. This technique facilitates waves into the body eroding areas of deep restriction and subconscious holding patterns.