Long-term pain and emotional distress can be complex and multifaceted issues that require a holistic approach.

It's important to understand that symptoms are often just the tip of the iceberg, and the root cause of the problem may be far removed from where the symptoms are presenting.

To effectively address the underlying issues, it's necessary to treat the whole person, acknowledging that we are energetic beings with a physical body. By taking a multi-dimensional approach, we can work to address emotional patterns, as well as, the human biofield and the fascial system.

A person can become imbalanced and restricted due to various factors such as physical and emotional stress, trauma, surgeries, illness, car accidents, or repetitive motion including sports and work habits. This can lead to a range of physical and emotional symptoms leading to pain or limited mobility.

By addressing these energetic and physical components of the body, we can help to alleviate symptoms that are acute or chronic, even those that may have been present for decades. This new paradigm of treatment recognizes the interconnectedness of our physical and energetic selves and offers a comprehensive and effective approach to long-term pain and emotional relief.

Find the Pain, Look Elsewhere For the Cause.

Find the Pain, Look Elsewhere For the Cause.

When we experience unresolved emotional or physical issues, it can manifest in various ways in our lives. One common way is by limiting our ability to live with resilience. This means that we may struggle to cope with life's challenges, setbacks, and stresses, and may find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or emotionally depleted.

Here are just a few of the symptoms and diagnoses that can be treated

Adhesions and Muscle Pain

Acute Pain Chronic Pain

Anxiety Depression

Headaches Migraines

Neck Pain Back Pain

Low Energy to Chronic Fatigue

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Sports Injuries

Digestive Issues

Adrenals and Fight or Flight

Menstrual & Pelvic Problems

Scoliosis/Sciatica Disk Problems

Painful Scars

Pre- & Post- Surgery

Emotional Trauma

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

