What is The Body Code & The Emotion Code?

The Body Code is an advanced wellness method developed by a holistic chiropractor, Dr. Bradley Nelson. It is built on the premise that true health comes from being balanced in 6 different ways.

Our belief is the wisdom on the body is not held in the conscious, active mind, but in the subconscious mind, where the record of every experience, thought, feel or memory you’ve ever had is stored. The Body Code is designed to get you answers about your health directly from your subconscious. It uses specific questioning, charts and muscle testing in the form of biofeedback to get those answers.

The Body Code was designed not just to bring relief to physical conditions. As you experience the Body Code, you may clear false beliefs, negative images and other emotional baggage to feel happier and more at peace than ever before. It is your total wellness solution to clear the way for optimal health, love and creative abundance!

The Body Code is intended to empower you to restore your health & wellbeing by helping you resolve the underlying causes of physical and emotional stress

Go beyond physcial symptoms and unlock your potential with relationships & wealth

By identifying and releasing underlying energetic imbalances, you may quickly feel connected to your true self

The Body Code can help identify and correct imbalances in our body through 6 key areas

Energies: Achieve energetic balance when you remove trapped emotions, internalized trauma & more

Structural: Support the proper function of bones, connective tissues and alignment

Toxicity: Identify and address possible harmful toxins that may be throwing off your body’s balance

Body Circuitry: Achieve physical balance when identifying issues in organs, glands, muscles body systems & how they connect

Pathogens: Identify fungal, bacterial, viral or parasitic invaders that may wreck havoc on your body from the inside out

Nutrition & Lifestyle: Lifestyle imbalances can be identified for areas like nutrient deficiencies, dehydration or activities

Your heart is the core of your being, the essence of who you really are.

Have you ever felt that you needed to “put up a wall” to protect yourself in a negative solution? Our hearts experience a lot during the course of a normal life. Words like “heartache” and “heartbreak” exist because it is our heart that feels pain when we are emotionally injured. The Body Code can eliminate the need for a heart-wall which blocks you from living life to the fullest.

The Heart -Wall

93% of people have a wall around their heart